Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Colorado River - Davis Dam - Davis Dam, NV

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

As the virus scare is going on its time to go fishing. Its outdoors the air is clean and no sick anglers. Our city officials are doing all they can to keep us safe and healthy. We almost didn’t get trout this week as the regional office was on hold. This weeks its Thursday for our trout plant. Because of the water levels community park is getting a lot of fish rainbow trout that is. Our local anglers 4 year old Adrian Rosales and dad Gabriel Rosales were able to land their limit of 5 each using power bait while fishing from shore. The grin on Adrian's face says it all. We are getting some stripped bass action our local angler tony smith landed a nice 16.70 pound striper using anchovies fishing from shore in the casino area. This fish was 36 and 3/8 inches which is a very nice catch. Tony just passed his fire fighters course hope this young man will be picked up by one of our local fire depts. Our weather just hasn’t been giving us the conditions to make the Mohave lake bite take off. I have no news from the Topock Marsh as of yet. This will all open up soon the weather is going to warm up the virus scare will be gone and we will see you in soon to share that catch of fish and let us tell the story.  

So for now be safe take those extra precautions keep an eye on friends and family and we will see you in soon Thanks For all of your support.

Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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