Wohlford Lake Fish Report for 5-9-2020
Wohlford Lake Fishing Report
Wohlford Lake - Escondido, CA (San Diego County)

by Wohlford Lake Staff
(760) 839-4346
A trout plant of 1,500 lbs. took place just prior to the lake closing. The final couple of trout plants were cancelled due to the closure. The water temperatures are climbing, but trout should be an option for at least a few more weeks until either the numbers run out or the warming water takes over.
Catfish were planted Friday. Chicken liver or cut mackerel are two of the most preferred baits for catfish. Stop by the Ranger Station for a dough-bait recipe that works well for both catfish and carp.
Largemouth Bass lurk around structure. The bass respond well to frogs, crawdads, and dark colored plastics.
It remains to be seen if the crappie are in close enough to be caught from the shore. Crappie are most often caught on finger jigs or live golden shiners.
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