Crooked River Fish Report for 6-7-2020
Crooked River Update
Crooked River - Prineville, OR

by Fly and Field Outfitters
Flows on the Crooked have been up and down the last couple of days from 275 to 200 and back up again. Fishing was good this last week mainly with nymphs but I’ve heard that caddis are around in the evenings and a few PMD’s are flying midday. Euro nymphing is all the craze these days and is quite effective on the 9 miles below Prineville reservoir. Small double beaded mayfly nymphs and anything purple has been the ticket when the bug activity is minor and fish aren’t looking up. Hopefully the flow will stay consistent though the weekend as we have some decent weather on the way and the bugs will be out and about!
Recommended Dries: Elk Hair Caddis brown #16-20, Henrys Fork Caddis black or brown #16-20, Purple Haze #18-22, Foam Body Caddis tan #18-20, Nitro Caddis brown #16-18, Tilt Wing PMD #16-18
Recommended Nymphs: Zebra Midge #16-20, Copper John red #16-20, Lightning Bug #16-20, Juju Baetis #18-22, Two-Bit Hooker #18-20, Perdigon #18-22, Twisted May #16-18, Frenchie Jig #14-16
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