Fish Report for 8-19-2020
Southern Utah Fly Fishing Report

by Quiet Fly Fisher Guide Service & Fly Shop
Quiet Fly Fisher Guide Service & Fly Shop in Loa, Utah checked in with us today.
Its definitely August and New Heat Records are being set all over the West and in Utah, The Boulder Mountain and Fremont River are feeling it too. A new spillway was completed on Millmeadow reservoir this spring and the idea was to test it by filling the reservoir, well….. that didn’t happen it got close but never spilled. they have a newly completed hydro electric generator on the tail water of the dam now as well and the bigger “head” of water they can maintain in Millmeadow res’ the more efficient the operation. What does this mean for the fishery on Millmeadow, time will tell. recent gill net surveys shave shown an increase in Utah Sucker population, to help combat that Wipers were introduced.
A big aggressive Wiper on a fly rod is a fight and memory that will last a life time! we are excited to see how they do.
The Fremont River
The Upper Fremont still has increased flows from Johnson reservoir, this makes for a slightly off color appearance. but the fish are there! and actively feeding, during late summer they become more selective about what they will eat, we’ve found that by matching the morning PMD hatch has worked best for us. if you find something that works best for you swing by the shop and let us know.

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