Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) Fish Report for 11-13-2020
Upper Ownes River Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff
Flows are at 108 cfs as of 11/12
Water temperatures are dropping fast.
Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Fair-Good
OKAY IT'S TIME TO CLIMB UP ON THE SOAPBOX: DFG is no longer stocking fall spawning rainbows. Every fish laid in the dead grass, carried away from the water, held with a towel or squeezed is another fish that won't be spawning.
Last weekend was windy with rain and snow squalls with temperatures from single digits to mid 30's. Even now temperatures are in the teens to low 40's and they're calling for unsettled again for this weekend. Hatches are still weak, midges being the dominate bug. DWP has been pumping water from Grant Lake into the upper Owens for a couple of weeks. The water has cleared and some of the weeds and silt have also been cleared out and hopefully attracting the fall spawners into the river. Outside of the midges there is a scattering of small mayflies throughout the day. Remember we're getting into that time of year when more and more lake fish are moving in so don't be afraid to throw some bigger midges ( #12-16) and perch patterns.
Recommended Flies
DRIES: Stimulator #12-16 | Griffiths Gnat #20-24 | EC Caddis #16-18 | Parachute Extended Body BWO #20-22 |Elk Hair Caddis #20
NYMPHS: Zebra Midge #16-22 | Prince Nymph #12-16 | Copper John #14-16 | San Juan Worm #12-14 | Harrop's Surface Emerger #20 | Barr's Flashback Emerger #20-22 | Juju Baetis #20-22 | S&M Nymph #20-22 | V-Rib Midge #12-16
STREAMERS: Shock Collar Leech #10 | Woolly Bugger White, Olive & Brown #6-14 | Punk Perch light or dark #10-16
More Reports
The Trout Fitter Reports
for Friday, November 13th, 2020Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Fishing Report
The Trout Fitter Reports
for Friday, November 6th, 2020Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Fishing Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Fishing Report
Owens River - Lower: Lower Owens River Fishing Report
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Report

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