Fish Report for 11-19-2020
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Report your 2020 hunt
It's not too early
If all that’s left of your 2020 hunt are the memories, there’s still one last thing to do. You need to report your hunt and why wait until the last minute? You can report online or with an ODFW license agent. ODFW offices remain closed to walk-in traffic.
Free Fishing Days
#optoutside for Black Friday
The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving are Free Fishing Days in Oregon. That means you can fish, crab or clam for free – no license, tag or endorsement required. Some restrictions apply, as in all current closures, bag limits and other regulations still apply. If you’re looking for a place to take the family, we’ve got 101 suggestions. And if you live near Portland, Bend, Medford, Roseburg or in Lane County, there are lots of nearby options.
Duck hunters
Check harvest stats at popular locations
Gauge hunter success by checking recent harvest statistics for several popular ODFW wildlife areas including Sauvie Island, Ladd Marsh, Klamath and Summer Lake.
Best bets for fishing
The forecast is calling for a calmer, drier weekend. This is a good time to hit the water before winter fully sets in.
- As many as 250 surplus hatchery steelhead trapped at Hells Canyon Dam will be released in the reservoir this week, with potential for another 150 next week.
- There are fall Chinook and opportunity to catch them in most of the north coast rivers. Many rivers blew out last weekend, but should be fishable through this weekend. There are fish throughout the fisheries on all basins at this point.
- The recent rain and high water should create good conditions for more coho to move into Siltcoos and Tahkenitch lakes this week.
- Lake Marie and Loon Lake at the coast would both be good options for anglers to check out.
- Lost Creek Reservoir has been stocked a couple times this fall, and remains accessible even as snow limits access to other lakes. Fishing can be good throughout the fall and winter.
- On the middle Rogue, recent rains have brought the first real bump is water levels, which should help get steelhead moving. And biting.
- Anglers have been catching fall Chinook in the Chetco, Elk, Sixes and Winchuck rivers, where water conditions have been excellent.
- Junction City Pond, Timber Linn Lake and Waverly Lake have all been stocked recently with extra-large brood trout.
- Big Rock Reservoir was amazing this past weekend. Twenty-seven trout in the 8- to 11-inch range were caught with flies in 1.5 hours!
- On the Chewaucan, road closures have been lifted, access is good (for now), the crowds are gone and fishing should be good.
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ODFW Recreation Report

Free Fishing Days #optoutside for Black Friday The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving are Free Fishing Days in Oregon. That means you...... Read More

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