Fall River Fish Report for 11-20-2020
Fall River Report
Fall River - La Pine, OR (Deschutes County)

by Fly and Field Outfitters
The Fall has lots of fish right now and from what I have gathered in the shop they are spread out and starting to get picky! The BWO’s should be a consistent hatch through this coming week and midges are always on the menu. With fish spreading out so are the people, don’t be afraid to hike a little before you start fishing, it can make a big difference when you find fish that have had less pressure from other anglers.
Streamer fishing is slowing down a bit as the fish are getting used to seeing some of the bigger flies people have been throwing at them. I would use a smaller bugger or leech to get their attention without spooking them. The upper stretches could start seeing some of the smaller winter stone fly hatch that will pop on cloudy days up there. But for now I would focus on the midday mayflies and midges that the fish are expecting. Nymphing under a dry dropper is still our favorite way to fish the fall, using a size 14 or 16 Chubby will spook far less fish when its hits the water than your run of the mill strike indicator, we like to suspend up to two small midge patterns about 10 inches apart and vary the depth based on where the fish are holding. Logs and drops are great choices but keep an eye out as 90% of the fish we catch are all sight fished. Sing by the shop to get the latest info on what bugs are working where.
Suggested Dries: Hackle Stacker BWO #18-22, Olive or Purple Haze #18-22, Soft Hackle BWO #18-22, Biot Emerger BWO #18-22, Zika Midge #18-20, Juju Baetis #18-22, Rainbow Warrior #18-20, Jigged Prince #14-16, Mop Fly #14, Ruby Eyed Leech, Semi Seal Bugger.
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