A Rad Rooster

by Bill Roecker

A new 80-pound line class record for roosterfish has been accepted by the IGFA. The old record was 91 pounds, four ounces, held by Eduardo Camou for his pez gallo (the common Spanish name for roosterfish) caught off Manzanillo in in June 1998.

The new record recognizes the 105-pound, 13-ounce roosterfish caught by Jeffrey Reinhardt at Zihuatanejo, Mexico on June 27, 2008, while fishing with skiff skipper Adolfo Espinosa. The latest edition (May-June 2009) of the International Angler listed the record, along with this photo of the catch. No word on the bait, but it was likely a live fish, possibly slow-trolled.

Also noted in the latest IGFA publication:

There are 31,000 species of fish, and less than 6,000 species of mammals.

Fish can be found from 12,000 feet of altitude down to the deepest parts of the oceans, "?Ķas deep as 10,000 kilometers."

The whale shark grows "?Ķto over 20 meters in length."

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