East Walker River Report

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Troutfitter

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Flow Rates and Water Conditions

Water Conditions:  Poor

Flows are at 21 cfs as of  1/14

Fishing conditions and Hatches: Poor-Fair

I'll be checking it out next Monday. I've been hearing reports of fishing picking up but still not convinced it's a good idea. I drove by on Wednesday and there is some ice along the edges but clear otherwise. When the flows get this low and cold it's better to hold off for warmer weather. At the very least make sure to leave the fish in the water and forgo the "glory shot". So much for the warming trend, between the drop in flows and the weather forecast all bets are off. Both the mayflies and the midges are extremely small. Perch fry patterns are losing their appeal, fish are getting a little wary of them. The perch fly patterns can be stripped or dead drifted under an indicator. If under the indicator and you're not getting grabs, try lifting and dropping the indicator to give the streamer movement. Attractor patterns are working including worms and slush eggs. Mainly small mayfly nymphs but larger nymphs like Pheasant Tails that also imitate caddis larva are working also.

Recommended Flies

 DRIES:   REALLY big Chernobylly Mousey looking stuff | Mother Shucker #22-24 | E/C Caddis #14-18 | Banshee Caddis #16-18 | Sparkle Flag Black #20-22 | Para Crane Fly #14-16

NYMPHS: Prince Nymph #12-16| Dead Drift Crayfish #8 | Bottom Roller Psycho #10-12 | Copper Zebra #16-22 | T's Stone Drummond Light #8-10 | JuJu Baetis #22-24 | Slush Egg | Pheasant Tail Midge Pupa #12-14 | Blood Midge #12-16 | Barr's Trico Emerger #20-22 | S&M Nymph #20-22

STREAMERS: Meat Whistle | Sculpzilla | Hornberg #10-14 | Belly Scratcher Minnow Chub #2 | Bank Robber Sculpin #2 | Punk Perch Light #10-14

Playbate Chartreuse #1/0

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