Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

Our local and visiting anglers are being able to land some nice rainbow trout here along the shores of the Colorado River. Here below the Davis Dam and in our Community Park area the fishing for Trout and Striped Bass is one of our hot spots. Our local angler Gerry Ward is showing off a limit of 5 trout he landed while fishing from shore using one of his favorite spinners, the Panther Martin. I have been hearing that some of the smaller stripers are making their way up river and were last seen near the Topock Marina area. The limit for stripers along the Colorado River below the Davis Dam is 10. These limits are not to be mistaken for the large mouth bass and the small mouth bass these fish have a bag limit of 6 and they have to be at least 13 inches. There is not a size limit on stripers below the Dam just a bag limit of 10. I have been hearing of a few stripers being landed in the Community Park and the Casino area. But I am also hearing that few are being landed as the fish have a strong fight and can and do break off. This can happen when your knot gets weak or a bad spot in your line. another issue some anglers run into is your drag could be too tight and to loose is not going to help at all.

With our weather warming I am expecting up on Lake Mohave to have some activity for stripers and the largemouth bass. The smallies would be nearing or close to pre spawn they can be found along the shelves of the coves on the lake and our shore line near the nature center has produced a few. When you are having some luck out there keep us posted and stop in to share that catch.

Hope this helps for now and we look forward to seeing you in soon mostly thanks for all of your support

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin

The Striper bite has its rewards with some of our larger fish cruising in. Our local anglers Tony Smith and...... Read More