Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) Fish Report for 2-25-2021
Hwy 62 Webcame at Union Creek Showed Bare Pavement
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) - Prospect, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
No recent fishing reports. As of Wednesday morning, the Hwy 62 webcam at Union Creek showed bare pavement. Check this before heading up. It may be worth a stop for a cast or two if folks are heading to Diamond Lake to ice fish, but certainly not a destination fishery at this time, except for the scenery.
More information on Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest lands can be found on their website or calling the RRSNF office.
This reach was stocked from Prospect to Minehaha creek with 3,000 rainbow trout every week from Memorial Day through Labor Day. All tributaries above Lost Creek Reservoir are open year-round with a 5 trout limit.
With very cold water, presentation is usually the key, get your bait down and free drifting with as little drag as possible. Also plan on fishing later in the day when temperatures may be warmer.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, February 25th, 2021Applegate River: Anglers Reported Catching A Few Winter Fish
Diamond Lake: There Were A Few Anglers on The Lake But No Recent Report
Fish Lake : Fish Lake Cabins Are Currently Available
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Expect a sunny cold weekend and ice on the water
Illinois River: Conditions should be pretty prime through late week
Lake Selmac: Received 5,00 Rainbows 2/13
Lost Creek Lake: The Takelma ramp is currently the only ramp open and usable
Rogue River - Middle: Wild steelhead can now be retained in the whole Rogue basin
Rogue River- Upper: If the Middle Rogue looks blown out, the upper river is never a bad place to target
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Columbia River
CLACKAMAS, Ore. – Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington adopted recreational spring Chinook salmon and steelhead seasons for the Columbia River...... Read More

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