Metolius River Fish Report for 3-12-2021
The Met Has Been Fishing Well
Metolius River - Metolius Springs, OR (Jefferson County)

by Fly and Field Outfitters
The Met has been fishing well with plenty of fish and plenty of other anglers. The stretch below the hatchery is being hit the hardest and some days it can be a little tough to find your own space. That being said there is plenty of productive water below Allingham and around bridge 99. The BWO’s have been good when the clouds come out right around midday. Look for rising fish in back eddies and slower riffles.
The nymphing has been really good and is your best chance to catch some of the bigger, wild Redbands that stay deep for most of the day. Under an indicator, european or dry dropper are all going to be effective ways to present your nymphs depending on the depth and speed of the water you are fishing.
All of the lake Bulls are out of the river at this point but fishing for the residence has been productive and people are finding quality fish throughout the stretch from Allingham down to bridge 99.
Suggested Dries: Thorax BWO #18-20, Tilt Wing BWO #18-20, Hackle Stacker #18-20, Purple Haze #18-22, BWO Sparkle Dun #18-22, Black Stimulator #12-14.
Suggested Nymphs: Lex's Improved Stone #10-14, Jimmy Legs #12-8, Electric Rock Worm #18-20, Zika Jig #16-18, Duracell Jig #14-18, French Nymph #14-16, Jigged Hares Ear Nymph #14-16, Two Bit Hooker #16-20, Terminator Golden Stone #10-1
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