Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Colorado River - Davis Dam - Davis Dam, NV

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

I am sad to say our trout plants are pretty much done for the season and should resume in October. The Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery has been providing rainbow trout to our area. These fish have been raised by the staff at the hatchery and brought to us here below the Davis Dam and stocked in the Colorado River. These trout are for anglers to fish for. The limit was lowered to 5 to help keep up with the caddis fly explosion that happened when the hatchery stopped producing trout. This was a combination of issues. One being the water levels were lowered and the old pipes had failed and the raceways were with out fresh water to keep the trout alive. with the help of our elected officials at the time Jack Hakim our city mayor and Hildy Angus our county supervisor and our senator John McCain the funds and the solution were enacted. This was about 6 years ago. This is a short version but pretty close. We do get some trout through the year due to the caddis fly issue but these trout are usually on the smaller side as they tend to eat more of the caddis fly and we get more for the money. These rainbow trout are for insect control not our anglers as the hatcheries fish are raised for the sport of fishing.

Now with that said our local anglers Gerry Ward is showing one of the last catches of our stocked trout with his limit of 5 rainbows. Now it’s time to catch the stripped bass or stripers for short. I have been hearing of a few being landed in various spots ranging from 1 to 4 pounds. I have also heard of some of the larger ones near the casino area so if you are having any luck with these please stop in and let us know. This is a great time to try for the stripers and the limit is 10 with no size or weight limit.

Hope this helps for now and we look forward to seeing you in soon to share that catch and the story. Mostly I want to thank yu all for your support and see you soon

Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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