Crowley Lake Fish Report for 4-25-2021
Windy conditions hamper opening weekend.
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)
by Jim Elias
The 2021 general trout season is now underway! The weather this weekend wasn't quite as bad as predicted, but it still was less than ideal. Tomorrow looks winterlike before transitioning towards spring on Tuesday. Highs forecasted in the mid 70's with sunny skies by Thursday. The fishing was pretty slow for the fly guys this weekend, lets hope the warmer weather wakes these fish up soon, because surface temps weren't even 52 degrees out there this morning.
I had a last minute cancellation this Tuesday and Wednesday if anyone is interested in getting out there after most of the horde departs.
Opening day weather was less than desirable, but we did manage to get a few fish in the net before the weather turned ugly. I scoured most of the lake on Thursday and Friday and found fish along Stormy Flats, Big Hilton and Beaver Cove. Most of the fish I saw were in around 12-15ft of water. I heard reports of people fishing at 20+ft but I didn't spend too much time looking out that deep to be honest. The water is pretty uniform temperature wise, most of the bottom readings I got were around 51-52 degrees. My advice is to stay far away from any of the inlets, as the water coming in is still probably colder than the lake water. Surface temps hovered around 52 and managed to get up to almost 54 on Friday when it was warm out. I think once this weather passes, the lake will warm up and the fishing will improve rapidly. There was a hatch on Friday and Saturday, most of the bugs I saw were around a size 16-18, not huge bugs and they were mostly black from what I could tell.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
More Reports
Fish Mammoth Reports
for Thursday, April 15th, 2021
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Report
Owens River - Lower: Lower Owens River Report
Owens River - Gorge: Owens River Gorge Fishing Report
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Report
Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake - Opening day is April 24th!

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