East Walker River (CA) Fish Report for 4-30-2021
East Walker River Report
East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

by The Trout Fitter Staff
Water Conditions: Poor
Flows are at 36 cfs as of 4/29
Fishing conditions and Hatches: Good
Yes the fishing is good BUT:
Flows right now are 20% of normal, temperatures are expected to be up in the 60's and 70's over the next couple of weeks, this will be the 2nd year with limited the stocking of fingerlings and a computer programing glitch which removed "barbless" from regulations on any body of water that is stocked, no matter how limited it may be.
SO, it is up to us to protect this fishery or we can be more concerned with ego gratifying pictures and videos and watch the death spiral of a once great fishery. If you must take pictures keep the fish in the water at all times and debarb your hooks.
Also take a thermometer and take temperature readings frequently. Once the water gets above mid 60's it might be time to head elsewhere or at the very least be very aware of how the fish are recovering and land fish as quickly as possible. Better to break off a fish than exhaust it beyond recovery.
Okay back to the fishing. Midges in the morning and Baetis midday, Dry fly action has been sporadic but nymphing has been good. Streamers have also been effective. The water is a bit murky, definitely helps when the flows are low.
DRIES: | Mother Shucker #22-24 | E/C Caddis #14-18 | Banshee Caddis #16-18 | Sparkle Flag Black #20-22 | Chernobyl Ant #6-10
NYMPHS: Prince Nymph #12-16| Dead Drift Crayfish #8 | Bottom Roller Psycho #10-12 | Copper Zebra #16-22 | T's Stone Drummond Light #8-10 | JuJu Baetis #22-24 | Glass Bead Micro May Olive #22-24 | S&M Nymph #20-22
STREAMERS: Meat Whistle | Sculpzilla | Hornberg #10-14 | Belly Scratcher Minnow Chub #2 | Bank Robber Sculpin #2 | Punk Perch Light #10-14
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