Crowley Lake Fish Report for 5-21-2021
Spring one day, Winter the next...
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Jim Elias
Lake level is dropping slowly. Water is still clear, surface temps are around 60 now, with bottom temps in the low 50s.
Rod Size: #5-#6 Weights
Tippet Size: 3-4X
Dries: N/A
Leader: 9ft 3-4X or 15-20ft Deep Indicator Rig
Nymphs: Red Baron #16, Copper Tiger #16, Gray/Black #16, Vader Midge #16, Zuchini #16, Black/Red Midge #16, Albino Baron Wine #16, Red Baron Wine #16
Streamers: Red Maribou Leech #12, Black Maribou Leech #12, Purple Maribou Leech #12, Wine Maribou Leech #12
I only have a couple of days available this month and June is already starting to book up. So if you want to get out here, book your trip soon!
The winds once again are causing trouble for all of us. There have been a few nicer days between the windy ones, but not much changing week over week except that there have been a lot more perch in the mix if you're fishing in shallower waters. You might get less grabs out deeper, but they're almost all trout at least. Still getting fish, but with a bunch of perch mixed in anywhere from 13-16ft of water. I went deeper out to 19-21ft a few days ago and got almost all trout out in McGee and near Sandy Point. There are some fish back in Crooked, mostly post spawn cutthroat returning back to the lake, and yeah the perch are there too! Marked some fish over in Big and Little Hilton, I'll be out there soon to investigate when the winds calm down. Depending on the day, there are fish in Layton, south of Alligator and into Christmas too, but it's hit or miss. The fleet is still over near Stormy Flats if you're into fishing within a couple boat lengths of 20 other guides. Fly selection hasn't changed much, except the fish are generally a little higher off the bottom after the hatch starts in the morning. They transition from picking larva out of the mud to grabbing tons of pupa as they make the perilous journey to the surface, sometimes as high as 4-5ft off the bottom. Water temps were hovering around 60 degrees on the surface before this cold front blew in. Yesterday surface temps were only 56 again. Bottom temps are a little less prone to rapid changes in the weather and are still in the low 50s depending on where you check.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
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