East Walker River Report

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Troutfitter

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Flow Rates and Water Conditions

Water Conditions:  Fair

Flows is at 69 cfs as of 9/23

We may have seen the last of the high temperatures

Fishing conditions and Hatches:Fair-Good

UPDATE: Saturday's water temperatures went from 57 at 9am to 59 at 11am to 66 at 2pm. All these readings are from below the Miracle Mile. Fishing was good, mostly smaller fish but we did get 2 in the mid teens and 2 around 20". Not much in the way of hatches below the bridge except a few Baetis midday, above the bridge you can add good midge hatches to the mix.  We got fish on a whole variety of patterns from small baetis to big Pheasant Tails, Stonefly nymphs and crayfish patterns. As far as the surface goes we got a few looks on a big Chernobyl early but nothing midday, no rises either. The water is very off color, not green but brownish.

Recommended Flies

DRIES:   Caddis Adult Tan #14-16 | Chernobyl Ant #12-14 | Chernobyl  org/grz  #6-8 |

NYMPHS: Prince Nymph #12-16| Dead Drift Crayfish #8 | Bottom Roller Psycho #10-12 | Copper Zebra #16-22 | T's Stone Drummond Light #8-10 | Tung Stud Black #18-20 |  Glass Bead Micro May Olive #22-24 | S&M Nymph #20-22  | Tungsten Jig Baetis #18-20 | TTS Opal B/L #14-18 | F/B B/H Pheasant Tail #14-18

STREAMERS: Meat Whistle | Sculpzilla | Hornberg #10-14 | Belly Scratcher Minnow Chub #2 | Bank Robber Sculpin #2 | Punk Perch Light #10-14

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