Owens River - Lower Fish Report for 11-18-2021
Great weather, lots of hungry fish and mellow flows!
Owens River - Lower - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)

by Jim Elias
86CFS as of 11/18/21 Water is clear and temps are in the low to mid 50s.
Rod Size: #4-#5 Weights
Tippet Size: 4-5X
Leader: Euro/Czech Leader, 9ft 4-5x
Dry Flies: CDC Baetis DUN #16-18, Parachute Adams #16-18, Extended Body BWO #18, CDC Baetis Emerger #18
Nymphs: Hogan's S&M Nymph #18-20, Pocket Water Baetis #16-18, Micromayfly Olive #18, Zebra Midge #20, Copper Zebra Midge #20, Bird's Nest Olive #18, Eurotrash Nymph Brown #12-14, Eurortrash Nymph Gray #14-16, Olive WD-40 #18, Turbo Midge #16
Streamers: Didn't Try
Flows have settled down to around 85cfs. This is a little low for my preference, but it'll definitely make things easy to wade the rest of the winter. Been starting around 9am and getting fish pretty much the minute I get my line on the water right up til about 3 when the sun starts to go behind the mountains. Hatches have been good mid-day from about 10-2, before and after that I prefer the czech rod to pick off the fish I didn't get with the dry fly. There are fish actively spawning down here, so again be careful where you're stepping when you're in the river. Didn't see any fish paired up, but I could see the nests everywhere in the ankle deep water. Most of the fish I was getting were near drop offs and tail outs of the deeper runs. At least knee deep or deeper is the rule of thumb when fish are spawning.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
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