Restrict boat access to Whisker Bay and the North Side of the Buoy Line

Dixon Lake - Escondido, CA (San Diego County)

by Dixon Lake Staff
(760) 839-4680

In response to the growing issues at both Whisker Bay and the North Side of the Buoy Line we have made the decision to restrict boat access to these areas during trout season. This will allow for a better experience for shore fishing and prevent conflict.
We will be stocking another 3,000 lbs of fish next week 11/23. We will update you with any changes to this date.
Fishing will be restricted again from 11/30-12/2 before the Trout Derby. The Derby Begins @ 6:00am on Friday 12/3.

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1.2 lb. Bluegill
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Dixon Lake Fishing Report
Dixon Lake
Last Plant: 1000 lbs. of Catfish: August 6th Next Plant: 1000 lbs. of Catfish: August 13th Water temperature: At surface: 84.92°F, 7.10 D.O. @ 15' 82.94°F, 7.29 D.O. Water level: High level, private water craft/fish finders are currently banned. Water Clarity: Fair (10’-6”) Fishing permits, boat rentals, bait, and tackle are all sold at the Concessions Stand right next to the Ranger Station in the Lakeshore Area. Anglers "Must!" purchase a fishing permit before casting out to catch the big one. ADULT PERMIT: $9 SENIOR PERMIT:...... Read More