Good Fishing on Both Sides of the Border

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

  • The New Seaforth wrapped up their Extended Half Day with 175 assorted rockfish for their 20 anglers today. We've had some great weather out there this past week and there are no signs of things slowing down. We still have plenty of availability for our next round of trips this week, starting on Wednesday so grab a spot and fill your freezer with a limit of some awesome Mexico rockfish! A valid passport or passport card is required for all passengers.

  • The Sea Watch ended their Half Day with 31 Sand Bass and 16 Sculpin for their 15 anglers. We recommend a 25# outfit rigged with either a reverse dropper loop or a 1 oz sliding sinker and a jig head. The Sea Watch has a few trips throughout this week with plenty of availability for those looking for a light load trip.

  • The Polaris Supreme returned this morning from their 3 Day trip with 32 Bluefin Tuna ranging from 40-80 pounds! Captain Aliyar reports excellent signs of Bluefin with high hopes that it will continue through 2022! There are a few 3 Day and 1.5 Day trips still available in March and April on the Polaris Supreme. They are going fast so book now at or call Lindsay @ (619) 706-3634.

More Reports

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Saturday, January 8th, 2022
: Saturday Updates
: Saturday Updates

Polaris Supreme Back on the Bluefin & New Seaforth Excellent Mexico Rockfishing!
Captain Aliyar and the Polaris Supreme crew just called in with 10 Bluefin Tuna in the 60-80 pound range and a few more hanging on day one of their 3 day trip! Quality Bluefin to start the year on the Polaris Supreme! The New Seaforth had a productive day of bottomfishing on today's Extended Half Day Trip. Captain Ryan reported favorable wintertime fishing conditions and 35 anglers got 270 Assorted Rockfish for the day! If you are coming...... Read More