1.5 Day Baja Bluefin & Half Day Limits

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

  • The Tribute returned from another 1.5 Day Baja Coast trip this morning, although Yellowtail fishing down at Colonet was tough they we're able to catch 3 Bluefin Tuna weighing between 30 to 40 pounds! Hopefully great signs of things to come as we get deeper into the fishing season. They also had some great bottom fishing with 53 Lingcod, 130 Vermillion Rockfish, 66 assorted rockfish, 76 Whitefish and 2 Sheephead for their group of 33 anglers. The Tribute still has some spots left for their remaining 1.5 Day Baja Coast trips in February but they won't last long! Be sure to grab a spot before you miss your chance! A valid passport or passport card is required for all passengers

  • The New Seaforth ended their Extended Half Day trip with 140(limits) assorted rockfish for their 14 anglers. Looking back on the past month of rockfishing we've had in Mexico, conditions have been prime and we've been returning to the dock with limits of fish more often than not. We hope we can carry our hot streak into February as well. The boat will be taking the next couple days off but will start back up again on Wednesday. We have plenty of availability for all of their trips throughout this week. If you're looking to snag some tasty rockfish and enjoy a light load trip, now is the time! A valid passport or passport card is required for all passengers

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Seaforth Landing Reports
for Saturday, January 29th, 2022
: Saturday Updates
: Saturday Updates

Ext. Half Day Definite Run
The New Seaforth wrapped up their Extended Half Day this afternoon with 130 assorted rockfish for their 13 anglers. Tomorrow's Extended Half Day has been made a definite run. As always our online reservations are available at any time. A valid passport or passport card is required for all passengers. ...... Read More