Fish Report for 2-23-2022
Friday Half Days
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
This brutal weather has had a shut down the middle of this week but we are hoping to be right back at it on Friday with our Half Day and Extended Half Day trips.
The New Seaforth only has 3 more Extended Half Day trips remaining before they return to their AM/PM schedule for the rockfish opener on March 1st. Looking back over the past two months we have had outstanding fishing down south in Mexican waters with great counts and good grade fish. Don't miss your last chance to get down there and bag a limit of jumbo Vermillions and Lingcod before the New Seaforth returns to local fishing.A valid passport or passport card is required for all passengers.
The Sea Watch has been fishing this side of the border the past two months and have had good Bass and Sculpin action for their anglers. They also have 3 trips remaining before they begin work to get the boat prepared for the upcoming season. If you're looking to take friends or family and enjoy a day out on the water this weekend the Half Day aboard the Sea Watch is the perfect opportunity. As always you can give us a call or go to our website to make your reservation.
More Reports
Incoming Weather
Due to the incoming weather over the next couple days we are going to be tied up at the dock but hopefully it will move by fast and we can finish up the end of this month with some good fishing before the rockfish opener on March 1st. The New Seaforth ended their Extended Half Day trip today with 110 assorted rockfish for their 39 anglers. There are only 4 more Extended Half Day trips left before the New Seaforth returns...... Read More
Tribute Baja Coast & Last Week of Extended Half Days
The Tribute returned from their 1.5 Day Baja Coast trip from Punta Colonet with 45 Lingcod, 141 Vermillon rockfish, 30 assorted rockfish, and 94 Whitefish for their 31 anglers. This Friday will be their last trip to Colonet before they return to fishing offshore. This is the last week the New Seaforth will be running their Extended Half Day trips into Mexico. Tomorrow's trip is booked full but they do have plenty of availability for their trips starting this Thursday and...... Read More

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