With the weather warming up water clarity down by the bridge is poor

Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Flow Rates and Water Conditions

Water Conditions:  Good

Flows are 98 cfs as of 2/17

The stretch of river below Benton Crossing Road to Crowley Lake is closed to fishing until next season.

The stretch of river above Benton Crossing Road is artificial, barbless, catch and release only.

Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Fair- Good

The spring spawners are now throughout the system and they've been around long enough to be really tired of the barrage of gear landing on their heads. Even though they tend to favor the same types of water as they move upstream, with the heavy pressure they are starting to hold in different spots. Instead of working the same "money" spots start exploring different terrain. Some of the guides are doing well on mop flies otherwise the same flies such as eggs, worms, and other attractor patterns. Now that we are into February the mayflies are starting to get active so try Baetis mayfly imitations #16-18 or a #20-24 midge pattern. You still want to key in on the deeper water but the spring spawners tend to spend more time in shallower, faster water also. Parking is still limited to right at the bridge and if you get lucky some days have seen 1 or 2 cars, but the next there might be 10-15. Fishing pressure has increased significantly with more and more snowmobiles in use, and the snow is firm making it much easier to walk upstream.

We are reaching the end of the fall run so the fish you might catch will be darker, especially down towards the bridge.   The fall spawning rainbows are no longer being planted so what you see is what you get. This fishery is entirely up to natural spawning so be on your best behavior or this fishery will cease to exist. There are some fish spawning in the public water so avoid wading in the tailouts/shallower than knee deep.

With the weather warming up water clarity down by the bridge is poor but as you move upstream it improves every branch Hot Creek that you move above. Luckily as temperatures drop Hot Creek water is becoming beneficial. The difference between above and below Hot Creek is at least 10 degrees so if you get out there early it might be better to start out closer to the bridge. This helps trigger the fish in Crowley to move up into colder, cleaner water of the river.

There is a temperature gauge on Hot Creek right above the Owens River Road bridge. You can tell winter is here because instead of 97-112 temperature range of summer it's all the way down to 94-107 degrees.  If you're not familiar with it, to get to the upper most branch of Hot Creek, go through the first drive through gate on the main road and immediately turn left. The confluence is between the first and second walk-thru gates.

Recommended Flies

DRIES: Griffiths Gnat #20-24 | Para Adams #20-24 

NYMPHS:  Zebra Midge #16-22 | B/H Prince Nymph #12-16 | Copper John #14-16 | Tungsten Jig Baetis #18-20 | Tungsten Peacock #16-18 |  Mop Fly assorted colors #10-16 | Medalion Midge #20-24 |Bling Midge #22-24 | Tungsten Olive Mic Drop #16-18 | San Juan worms assorted colors | Egg Patterns assorted colors | Western Coachman #12-16

STREAMERS: Shock Collar Leech #10 | Woolly Bugger White or Olive #6-14 | Punk Perch light or dark #10-16

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Hot Creek

Flow Rates and Water Conditions Water Conditions: Good, showing 4 cfs as of 2/24 Remember, these are the flows just below Highway...... Read More

The Trout Fitter Reports
for Friday, February 18th, 2022

Hot Creek: Besides the midges we're seeing more and more BWOs
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): The spring spawners are now throughout the system
Owens River - Lower: With much colder temperatures expected Tuesday/Wednesday the time to fish is now