Fish Report for 3-8-2022
Half Day Run & San Diego Availability
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
The New Seaforth ran both trips today, Captain Ryan said the conditions threw things for a loop but they we worked hard and we're able to make a day out of what was available. The AM trip wrapped up with 47 assorted rockfish, 45 Whitefish, 2 Sculpin and 1 Lingcod for their 12 anglers and the PM ended with 27 assorted rockfish, 48 Whitefish and 1 Sculpin for 22 anglers. We are still recommending a dropper loop rig on a 25# outfit with size 2/0 hooks and an 8 oz. torpedo sinker. There are plenty of openings for this weekend and the weather looks great so if you're looking to kick off the season with some rockfishing now is a great time.
The San Diego's first run of the season is this Saturday. They will be headed down to the Coronado Islands on the hunt for some Yellowtail, Calico Bass and rockfish. We still have plenty of spots remaining for this Saturday's run so don't miss your opportunity to jump on the first trip of the season aboard the San Diego
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Great Half Day Rockfishing
The New Seaforth only ran the AM trip today but had a successful morning returning with 21 assorted rockfish, 220 Whitefish and 2 Sculpin for their 24 anglers. We still have plenty of availability for all of our trips throughout this week and we would like to remind everyone that every reservation does help ensure the boat gets out so if you are on the fence a reservation can help make your trip a definite go. The San Diego's first run...... Read More
Half Day Tomorrow
The wind and weather has had us tied up at the dock the last few days but from the look of the weather forecast it is supposed to ease off this week. WE have plenty of availability for tomorrow's AM and PM trips aboard the New Seaforth so if you're looking to get out on the water, now is a great time. As always you can make a reservation over the phone or on our website at any time. ...... Read More

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