Truckee River Fish Report for 3-12-2022
Things are firing off on the dry fly side of things on the Truckee River
Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
Things are firing off on the dry fly side of things on the Truckee River. Let’s keep this to a dry fly post. Good to great dry fly fishing right now on the Truckee River. We have Midges coming off in the mornings, and blue wings around 1:00. Skwalas in the afternoons. We have a Skwala hatch that on certain lower water years, like this, can rival anyone in the West.
The Griffiths Gnat is your best choice in the mornings. Yes Griffiths Gnat. When the midges cluster up, they’re big balls of goodness. That’s all you need. I’ll fish them up to a size #16. You don’t need some fancy ass miracle midge pattern. Around noon, you’ll see blue wing olives coming off. Trouts will switch over to the bigger bug. Your bug should sit low in the water and be about a size #16. Think Matthew’s Sparkle Dun. Better if you tie one on a curved hook like a Tiemco 2487. Think 6x tippet, and try to get downstream drifts. Google, Fall River Twitch.
Skwalas are where the real fun is at. They ain’t that big here, and they’re dark, with a golden under belly. Upsize your tippet, cause the takes can be gnarly. I usually fish 3, or 4x.
Remember, it don’t matter what hi vis bs post you got on your fly. Sure it helps, but you should train your eyes to spot your fly. I can’t see shit anymore, but I can see a size #18 bwo emerger, only because I’ve trained myself to see it. I know it’s about 12 feet off my fly line. Use a nylon leader, and fluorocarbon tippet.
Funny how a lot of folks really don’t know how to dry fly fish anymore because they grew up with a bobber.
I have 2 spots left for the Streamer Clinic on the 19th.
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