Fish Report for 3-14-2022
Great Rockfishing Full Day & Half Day
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
The New Seaforth had great rockfishing for both of their AM and PM Half Day trips today. The AM trip returned with 100 assorted rockfish, 100 Whitefish and 5 Sculpin for their 12 anglers and the PM wrapped up with 17 assorted rockfish, 250 Whitefish and 3 Sculpin for their 27 anglers. We still have both trips running tomorrow and we would like to remind everyone that reservations do help ensure that the boat runs. If you are on the fence about making a reservation, please do so, it can help make your trip become a definite run!
The San Diego had another successful trip down to the Coronado Islands and ended their day with limits of rockfish. They had 40 assorted rockfish, 30 Whitefish, 9 Vermilion rockfish and 1 Lingcod for their 8 anglers. They will be taking tomorrow off but hopefully they will be right back at it on Wednesday. We are recommending a 25# and a 40# outfit with torpedo sinkers for fishing the dropper loop and some surface irons and yo-yo irons for the Yellowtail as well.
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Full Day Report & Tribute Return
The San Diego wrapped up their second day down at the Coronado Islands with 42 Vermilion rockfish, 74 assorted rockfish, 47 Whitefish and 1 Sheephead for their 21 anglers. Captain Matt reported seeing signs of Yellowtail in the area but they were unable to connect. Tomorrow's run is a definite go and there is still plenty of space left so grab a spot aboard this light load trip. The Tribute returned this morning from a 1.5 Day trip with 19 Yellowtail...... Read More
Seaforth Landing Reports
for Saturday, March 12th, 2022: San Diego Return/ Time Change Tonight

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