Fish Report for 3-17-2022
Coronado Yellows
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
The San Diego bagged more Yellowtail on their light load trip down to Coronados today. They final count is 7 Yellowtail, 4 Calico Bass, 60 Whitefish and 1 Sheephead for their 12 anglers. We are still recommending anglers bring a 25/30# outfit for bottom fishing and a 40/50# outfit and some yo-yo jigs for the Yellowtail. It would also be wise to pack some surface irons as well, Captain Matt reported yesterday that the fish did come up for a short period of time. The San Diego will run tomorrow and has plenty of availability. As always you can book with us over the phone or online at any time. A valid passport or passport card is required.
The New Seaforth is still on some good rockfishing in local waters. This mornings AM trip ended with 70 assorted rockfish, 38 Whitefish, and 3 Sculpin for 30 anglers and the PM ended with 101 assorted rockfish and 32 Whitefish for 34 anglers. We recommend a 25# outfit with a dropper loop rig, 2/0 hooks and either a 6 or 8 ounce sinker. Captain Bryan has been seeing some schools of Yellowtail around the areas they have been fishing so the savvy angler would have their jig stick and surface irons on hand as well. There are still spots available for this weekend and the weather looks great so come join us for some early season rockfish and possibly some local Yellowtail.
More Reports
Seaforth Landing Reports
for Wednesday, March 16th, 2022
: Full Day Yellowtail
: San Diego Definite Run Tomorrow & Yellowtail
San Diego Definite Run & Half Day Report
The San Diego is a definite run for tomorrow. They have been searching hard for the Yellowtail on their previous trips and its only a matter of time before they bite. There are plenty of available spots for tomorrow's trip so if you're looking for a light load Coronado Islands trip, tomorrow's trip would be the one.A a valid passport or passport card is required for all passengers. The New Seaforth had another good day of rockfishing in local waters.The AM...... Read More

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