Pyramid Lake Fish Report for 3-25-2022
The cutthroat are getting shallow and are bringing a lot of their pre-spawn behavior
Pyramid Lake - Sutcliffe, NV (Washoe County)

by Reno Fly Shop
The cutthroat are getting shallow and are bringing a lot of their pre-spawn behavior. The fish are still biting when there is some wind and weather. Both the retrieve and indicator fishing has been working with indicator taking a slight advantage when there is little to no weather. With that being said, a lot of our indicator bites are shallower than 6 feet and no further than 20 feet from shore. I’m seeing a lot of anglers simply over casting these cruising fish while indicator fishing.
For the retrieve bite, fly selection has not seemed to matter much. If the fish are in close they are usually in such great numbers that one of them will eat your fly competively. The LCT have been very hot and aggressive making even the “small” trout a lot of fun to catch.
Pyramid Lake Flies we Suggest: Holographic Midge (49’er and albino wino), Boobiy Fly (Spanish Olive, Cat Whisker,Dark lord, Pyramid Lake Beetle, Pyramid Lake Buggers (Northern Lights, Martini Olive), Pyramid Lake Fly Selection
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Reno Fly Shop Reports
for Friday, March 11th, 2022
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Pyramid Lake: Pyramid Lake is fishing well, but it can be very sensitive to the weather

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