Flows on the river this week as the flows hold around 500 CFS in Glenshire

Truckee River

by Trout Creek Outfitters
(530) 563-5119

Another week of snowy weather dropped over a foot in town and 2-3 feet along our peaks which should keep the Truckee fishing for just a little longer this summer. With this storm coming in cold very little of the precipitation came down as rain and therefore we haven’t seen a significant increase in flows on the river this week as the flows hold around 500 CFS in Glenshire and around 900 CFS in the canyon with good clarity throughout the system. During the stormy overcast days, we were getting great reports of streamer fishing using olive sculpins patterns in the 4+ inch range, but as we look into next week’s forecast, we anticipate that switching back over to the nymph rigs will be best.The bug selection hasn’t changed much this week, we are still seeing good action on Skwala nymphs, worms, eggs, and crawdads for our attractors and with the water remaining clear paring those with zebra midges, baetis patterns and larger mayfly patterns in #12-14 such as pheasant tails to imitate the march browns will be sure bets.  With the high flows be sure to add ample weight and get your flies deep right now and continue to focus on slower moving water to find fish. We have heard very little action on dry flies at this time with only very few baetis hatching throughout the day, there is always a possibility of seeing some march browns come off but typically after the Skwalas are done hatching the next significant bug will be carpenter ants and this should be starting up in the next few weeks as long as we see consistently warm weather.

If you would like to go fishing with us please check out our website Trout Creek Outfitters.com or call (530) 563-5119.

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