Archery deer hunters: Changes coming to over-the-counter, nonpermit-tag opportunity

by Arizona Game & Fish Department

Arizona’s over-the-counter, nonpermit-tag archery deer hunting opportunity will continue for the 2022-2023 hunts, but harvest limits have been set by unit and by species. 
This approach is in accordance with hunt guidelines ( approved April 1, 2022, by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. Harvest limits were set at 20 percent of the estimated harvest for a unit and species. Failure to report a harvest, as well as hunting in a closed unit, will be strictly enforced.
All over-the-counter archery deer hunters will be required to report their harvest either online or by phone within 48 hours of taking their deer (details to be published in the 2022-2023 Arizona Hunting Regulations booklet). When the number of deer equaling the archery deer harvest limit for a particular unit and species has been reported, the unit will be closed to further archery deer hunting at sundown the Wednesday immediately following. 
Hunters will be responsible for checking online or by telephone before hunting to determine if their desired hunt unit is still open. The department’s website will be updated continuously to reflect the number of deer harvested and whether a harvest limit has been reached and a unit is closed. 
The 2022-2023 Arizona Hunting Regulations will be posted online in early May at

Brown Trout Incentivized Harvest
Colorado River - Below Glen Canyon Dam

The Brown Trout Incentivized Harvest with Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Arizona Game & Fish Department is still going...... Read More