Sunny solid weather, and healthy flows here on the Truckee River

Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665

Sunny solid weather, and healthy flows here on the Truckee River.

Good Spring weather, cold mornings, and warm afternoons. Good big flows, all up and down the river. Just a great time to be out.

Flows are right below 900 cubes here in the Hirsch, and higher as you go down the river. 900 is high, but good. We have water coming out of Lake Tahoe too, so the whole upper section of river has great flows as well. I get asked a lot if there’s fish up there. Yes, trouts live up there. it’s a beautiful section of river to go wet a line.

So nymph up on them. Streamer fish, though, these sunny days ain’t the best for that, or throw the dry dropper rig. You’d be surprised who might pop up and eat your chubby. My main rigs now, are the tight line rig, and the dry dropper.

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