The Middle Deschutes is in good shape

Deschutes River - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Middle Deschutes is in good shape and has many access points in and around Bend going north to Lake Billy Chinook. Caddis, PMD, Pale Evening Dun and some BWO’s will cover 99% of it. I still enjoy going to the Middle with my grandpa’s 5 magnet Orvis aluminum fly box with a Renegade #14, Purple Haze #16, Yellow Sparkle Dun #12-14-16, Float & Fool #18, X caddis tan #16 and olive #18, and an Olive Stimulator #12-14 and fishing the evening hatch with that simple selection. It can be a lot of fun to travel light and go to basics and the Middle river is a perfect place to try that theory.