Utah Fish Report
Trask River Fish Report for 8-24-2022
Trask River Fish Report for 8-24-2022
Plenty of opportunity for Cutthroat trout
Trask River - Tillamook , OR (Tillamook County)
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Cutthroat trout are available throughout the Trask basin. Numbers appear to be down just a little this, based on recent surveys, but there is still plenty of opportunity.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, August 24th, 2022Ana Reservoir: Ana Reservoir was stocked early this month
Beulah Reservoir: Beulah Reservoir has now been drained to minimum pool
Blitzen River: Flows in the Blitzen are now around 30 cfs
Bully Creek Reservoir: Reservoir levels are currently very low and dropping fast
Chewaucan River: As the river drops and keeps getting warmer try fishing early in the morning
Owyhee Reservoir: Owyhee Reservoir Fishing Report
Owyhee River: Lower Owyhee River Report
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper Creek Reservoir Fishing Report
Diamond Lake: Anglers are having success targeting brown trout
Galesville Reservoir: The reservoir is dropping and may drop more quickly as the summer progresses
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Reservoir level is low but has leveled off
Hyatt Lake: Very little if any fishing pressure
Lake Selmac: Trout anglers will want to target deeper areas near the dam
Rogue River - Middle: Trout fishing is open
Rogue River- Upper: Trout fishing is open in the Rogue
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Trout stockings in the upper river started May 18
Nehalem River: The Nehalem gets a unique early component to its fall Chinook run
Siletz River: Summer steelhead fishing has slowed down with the low water conditions
No steelhead retention in portions of John Day, Umatilla, Walla Walla rivers this fall
John Day River8-22-2022
SALEM, Ore.—While upriver Columbia River steelhead returns have improved this year, returns of hatchery and/or wild fish to several northeast...... Read More
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