Fish Report for 9-15-2022
Plenty of Dorado to Go Around
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
The Apollo returned this morning from their 2.5 Day charter with 6 Bluefin, 11 Yellowfin and 260 Dorado for their group of 13 anglers. One of their Bluefin weighed in over 200 pounds! The Apollo still has openings for their Overnight trip departing Tuesday, September 20th.
The Pacifica wrapped up their Overnight trip with 300(limits) Dorado for their 30 anglers. Captain Andrew reported that 30# flyline with a 1/0 hook worked best for the Dorado.
The Voyager also returned this morning from a 1.5 Day charter with 1 Bluefin and 117 Dorado for their 14 anglers.
The New Seaforth ended their Am Half Day with a great variety for their 26 anglers. Their final count was 47 Calico Bass, 3 Bonito, 15 Sand Bass, 10 assorted rockfish, 16 Sheephead and 1 Halibut. The PM Half Day capped of their day with 1 Yellowtail, 115 Calico Bass, 15 Sand Bass and 1 Bonito for 26 anglers. The inshore variety has been outstanding as of late and is going full speed. We have plenty of spots open between both trips tomorrow!
More Reports
Thursday Reports
Thursday Updates Offshore The El Gato Dos called in from their Full Day charter with 40 Dorado (limits) for their 4 anglers. The Pacifica just checked in from their Overnight trip with limits of Dorado (300) for their 30 anglers! They have plenty of time left to fish and are currently in search of Tuna. Thursday Returning Trips The Voyager returned from their 1.5 Day trip with 1 bluefin tuna and 117 dorado. The Apollo returned from their 2.5 Day trip with 6 bluefin tuna, 11...... Read More
Seaforth Landing Reports
for Wednesday, September 14th, 2022: Wide Open Dorado & Bass

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