Oak Creek Report

Oak Creek - Sedona, AZ (Coconino County)

by Arizona Game & Fish Department

Access to Oak Creek is open. Fall is a busy time for recreationists here as the leaves begin to change colors. Once the leaves have all fallen, recreation use drops dramatically. Anglers are catching brown trout, rainbow trout, and a few Gila trout from Sedona upstream. Campgrounds are open. Caddisfly, mayfly, Dobsonfly (Hellgrammite), Wooly Bugger, Leech, and midge patterns should produce well. Inline spinners like Joe’s flies and Panther Martins will also work well. Monsoon runoff may dirty the water a bit, so fishing with big dark-colored (black, brown, olive) flies and lures with vibration like inline spinners should increase angler success. Rain is in the forecast again this weekend which may impact water clarity. Fishing from Grasshopper Point upstream may be the best option for success.

Arizona Game and Fish Department asks hunters to report large mortality events of waterfowl

PHOENIX — With the waterfowl hunting seasons beginning in the Mountain Zone (Oct. 7 to Jan. 15) and Desert Zone (Oct....... Read More