Buckle up, weathers changing

Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665

Buckle up, weathers changing. Gonna get us a good dose of Winter this week on the Truckee River. In fact, the next several weeks, periods of cold and snow are in the forecast.

If you streamer fish, good news. If you dry fly fish, good news too.

As we head deeper into November, it should be real good, lower on the Truckee River in Nevada, and progressively slower on the Ca side of the river. Mostly, I try to spend my time out East floating and fishing streamers. it’s warmer down there, there’s big fish, and it’s just kinda cool in the desert.

It’ll fish the Winter around here too. Just gotta hit them on the head.

Should be a fun next month.

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