Saturday Reports

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

Saturday Updates

  • The Aztec reported in from day one of their Three Day trip with 31 bluefin on the boat. The fish range from 40 to 100 pounds.
  • The Tribute's 2.5 Day trip has 4 bluefin on the boat to start off their 2.5 Day trip, with fish up to 130 pounds. There are good signs of fish this morning, with a lot of bites and some lost fish to go with the fish already on the boat.

Friday Reports

  • The Sea Watch had another great day of rockfishing between the AM and PM trips. Passenger counts have been light and the fish are biting, be sure to check out the calendar and grab a spot!
  • The Aztec has one spot open for their 4 Day Freelance trip departing Monday, November 14th @ 9:00 AM. As always you can book online or give us a call here in the office.
  • The Pacifica also has 1.5 Day trip departing Monday, November 14th as well. Your reservations ensure the boat does run so be sure to check it out and grab a spot.

More Reports

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Friday, November 11th, 2022
: Friday Reports
: Upcoming Trips

Great Local Fishing
The Sea Watch had some very nice rockfishing in local waters today. The AM wrapped up with 29 assorted rockfish, 72 Whitefish and 4 Sheephead for their 31 anglers and the PM ended with 5 Vermilion rockfish, 78 assorted rockfish, 34 Whitefish, 11 Sheephead and 21 Sculpin for 15 anglers. The Sea Watch is running both AM and PM so be sure to check out the schedule and grab yourself a spot!...... Read More