March Bluefin


by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

UPDATE 12:00 - The Polaris Supreme is up to 18 bluefin tuna and 52 yellowtail.

The Polaris Supreme reported in from day 3 of their 3 Day trip with 18 bluefin tuna and 25 yellowtail.

More Reports

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Saturday, March 18th, 2023
: Saturday Report
: Bluefin On Deck!

Friday Update
The San Diego on the Full Day Coronado Islands trip today ended with 33 rockfish, 10 Vermilion and 110 Whitefish for their 22 anglers. There are still good opportunities to bag a Yellowtail but they aren't making it easy. The yo-yo and the dropper loop sardine are still the hot ticket for the Yellowtail, we recommend being prepared for both. There are only few spots left for tomorrow so be sure to grab them before they are gone! A...... Read More