Utah Fish Report
Eel River Fish Report for 3-24-2023
Eel River Fish Report for 3-24-2023
The main Eel is still very high and dirty
Eel River - Fortuna, CA
by Kenny Priest
The main Eel is still very high and dirty. It’s predicted to be down to 13,000 cubic feet per second at Scotia following the weekend. If we see an extended dry period lasting around 10 days, it could come around into fishable shape. But that doesn’t appear to be the case as rain is back in the forecast for Monday. The river is predicted to rise beginning Monday evening. The main stem Eel, from its mouth to the South Fork, is open to fishing all year. From April 1 through Sept. 30, only artificial lures with barbless hooks may be used.
Find "Fishing the North Coast" on Facebook and fishingthenorthcoast.com for up-to-date fishing reports and North Coast river information. Questions, comments and photos can be emailed to kenny@fishingthenorthcoast.com.
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Nor Cal Fish Reports Reports
for Wednesday, March 15th, 2023Mad River: The Mad nearly reached flood stage, peaking at over 20-feet Tuesday
Eel River: The main Eel reached 162,200 cubic feet per second early Wednesday morning
Eel River - South Fork: The South Fork peaked at over 37,000 cfs at Miranda Tuesday
Van Duzen River: The Van Duzen topped monitor stage Tuesday, peaking at over 13 feet at Bridgeville
Smith River: The fast-clearing Smith reached monitor stage, 25 feet at the Jed Smith gauge
Chetco River: The Chetco rose 14 feet in one day, cresting at 18 feet, or 40,000 cfs
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