Fishing had been picking up

Hot Creek - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Flow Rates and Water Conditions

Water Conditions: Poor-Fair, showing 0 cfs as of 4/4

Remember, these are the flows just below Highway 395 on Mammoth Creek. 0 is what it says but I guarantee there's water flowing. It's that danged ice!

Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Fair-Good

The road into the ranch is open again but with VERY, VERY LIMITED PARKING AND A NASTY TURN AROUND. I recommend having somebody drive you in and pick you up. Fishing had been picking up but I've gotten no recent reports. What follows are predictions based on the normal patterns this time of year. Just like last spring, with the flows still low the Interpretive Site has a bird problem. The fish are in there but they are jammed under the cut banks and weed beds. Hopefully the runoff will provide some protection and dig the holes a lot deeper. The following report is accurate with the Baetis in the #16-18 rangeMidges in the morning and Baetis in the early afternoon. Most of the fish are concentrated in the deeper holes but they are starting to spread out.The Baetis are back and the action midday is now Baetis. Still midges, nymphs, adults and spent patterns. Generally the midges will be hatching until early afternoon and then egg laying and spent adults in the afternoon. Scuds and egg patterns will work all day. Don't forget the streamers and leeches.

I still tell my clients that a 4 second drift is average and finish with an aggressive pickup, you will hook fish you never knew existed.

Recommended Flies

DRIES:  R.P. Emerger #22 | Mother Shucker #24 | Griffith's Gnat #20-24 | Stillborn Midge Black #20-22 | No Mercy Midge Camel #20-24 | Hi-Vis Baetis #18-20 | Brook's Baetis #18-20 | Extended Body Baetis #18-22

NYMPHS:  T Midge #24 | Zebra Midge #18-22  | Medallion Midge #18-24 |  Buckskin Caddis #16-20  | JuJu Baetis #16-18 | Psycho Baetis #16-18| Scuds grey #14-18 | Tailwater Sowbug Rainbow #16-18 |  Bling Midge Brown #24 | TB Millers+1LT #16-18 | Egg Patterns | B/H Pheasant Tail #16-20 

STREAMERS: Mini Sculpin Orange #6 | Slumpbuster Natural #10 | Hornburg #10-14  

More Reports

The Trout Fitter Reports
for Friday, March 17th, 2023
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): The midges are the only hatches going on right now
Owens River - Lower: Lower Owens River Report

The Trout Fitter Reports
for Friday, February 3rd, 2023
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Report
Owens River - Lower: Lower Owens River Report