Sac River Striped Bass Season!

Sacramento River - Lower - Redding, CA (Shasta County)

Photo Credit: Jeff Goodwin Guide Services

by Jeff Goodwin

We're sitting at the mid season mark for Sacramento River Striped bass fishing trips and so far its been another productive season.  We've been challenged with high water conditions which means heavy flows and some above average turbidity.  These conditions require some small adjustments which will likely be needed in the weeks ahead with the water releases from Shasta Lake beginning this week.  The Sac is forecasted to bump up to 15,000 cfs in the Colusa area this next week which may change where and how we fish for the Striped bass in the coming weeks.  With the higher flows  we've seen this year, many anglers have been finding the best bite fishing the soft water along the edges, close to the banks.  6'-12' of water have been the most productive depths to target but the most important consideration is where we've been finding the pods of Striped bass.  Look for slower moving water along the edges of the current seams and drop your gear behind and on either side of the boat to find resting areas or travel lanes for the Striped bass as the migrate up river to their spawning locations.  We've been using live minnows, Sardines, and Pile Worms for the best bites the past few weeks.  Throwning swim baits, plastic worms, and trolling diving plugs has been effective for some as well.  With rising water this next week, we'll be sticking with bait. We should see the biggest influx of Stripers making their way up river this week so there will be lots of available Stripers in the system until they stat to spawn when water temps are favorable around May's full moon phase.  We will be fishing in the Colusa area until mid May and we have a few remaining dates available for this great fishery before heading north again for the lake fishing and wild rainbow trout trips in the Redding area.  Give Jaynie a call to get more information about available Striper fishing dates or to book your next fishing adventure here in Northern California.  Jaynie can be reached via call or text at (530) 510-2925.  We can also be contatced through our website at  Thank you!

Captain Jeff Goodwin 

Jeff Goodwin is a full time Northern California fishing guide.  He guides year round for salmon, trout, steelhead, Kokanee, and bass on Northern California rivers and lakes. He fishes many bodies of water in the Redding area, but also guides the Sacramento River and Feather River during certain times of the year. Jeff can also be found on the California coast chasing ocean fresh King salmon and steelhead each year. To learn more about the fishing trips Jeff has to offer, please visit Jeff Goodwin's Guide Service.  You can also find him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or please feel free to call him anytime at (707) 616-1905.

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