Saturday report

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

Saturday Updates

  • The San Diego wrapped up their Full Day with 6 Bluefin and 83 Bonito for their 34 anglers. They are still recommending a 25-30# rig for flyline fishing 40-50# for dart style jigs and an 80-100# rig for fishing the sinker rig or knife jigs.
  • The Pacifica just checked in from their 1.5 Day trip with 12 Bluefin Tuna on the boat and fish hanging.The fish are up to 80 pound range.
  • The Aztec reported in from their 1.5 Day Trip with 41 Bluefin Tuna on the boat for their 28 anglers! The fish are in the 25 to 60 pound range.
  • The Tribute 1.5 Day trip has 36 Bluefin Tuna on the boat for their 31 anglers.
  • The Voyager just checked in from their 1.5 Day trip with 27 Bluefin Tuna for their 15 anglers.

More Reports

Saturday Reports
Saturday Updates The Pacifica just checked in from their 1.5 Day trip with 12 Bluefin Tuna on the boat and fish hanging.The fish are up to 80 pound range. The Aztec reported in from their 1.5 Day Trip with 41 Bluefin Tuna on the boat for their 28 anglers! The fish are in the 25 to 60 pound range. The Tribute 1.5 Day trip has 36 Bluefin Tuna on the boat for their 31 anglers. The Voyager just checked in from their 1.5 Day...... Read More

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Friday, April 28th, 2023
: Friday Bluefin Update
: Friday Bluefin Update