Saturday Reports


by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

Saturday Updates

  • The Tribute checked in this with 20 Yellowtail to start their day for their 16 anglers. The Tribute is a definite run for their 1.5 Day departing tomorrow night and there is plenty of availability!

  • The San Diego reported in from their Full Day trip with 50 yellowtail on the boat!

  • The Aztec reported in from their Two Day trip with 12 bluefin tuna (80 pound range), and 45 yellowtail.

More Reports

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Friday, May 5th, 2023
: Friday Reports
: Friday Update

Full Speed Yellows
The Tribute just called in with 60(limits) Yellowtail weighing between 8 to 12 pounds for their 12 passengers! The Tribute still has spots available for their 1.5 Day departing this Friday. We now have Twilight trips available on Fridays and Saturdays throughout May. We will be putting up more days as we get deeper into the Summer and the Calico Bass fishing picks up and you can also re-ride from the AM or PM to the Twilight for $50. The Sea Watch...... Read More