Offshore Fish Report for 8-2-2023
Wednesday Update
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
Half Day Calico Bass Limits
The Tribute just checked in from their 1.5 Day with 10 Bluefin Tuna.
The local bass fishing has been phenomenal the last few days. The New Seaforth just checked in from their morning Half Day with limits of Calico Bass for their 37 anglers!
Tuesday Reports
The Tribute wrapped up their 1.5 Day with 38 Bluefin and 15 Yellowtail for their 25 anglers. There is still space next week for the Tribute on their 1.5 Day and Overnight trip.
The Highliner finished their 2 Day trip with 96(limits) Bluefin and 1 Yellowtail for their group of 24 anglers. The Highliner still has space on their Overnight trip departing tomorrow night!
The Voyager returned from their 1.5 Day trip with 23 Bluefin for their 15 anglers.
The Polaris Supreme ended their 3 Day trip with 108(limits) Bluefin and 73 Yellowtail weighing between 12-35 pounds for their 18 anglers.
More Reports
Seaforth Landing Reports
for Tuesday, August 1st, 2023: Limits Here and There

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