Fish Report for 8-18-2023
Friday Reports
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
Friday Updates
The Sea Watch Full Day offshore trip finished up with 41 dorado, 15 yellowtail and 4 yellowfin on the boat!
The Polaris Supreme reported in from day three of their three day trip with 132 bluefin tuna on the boat. 70 of those fish are in the 60 to 180 pound range.
The Voyager finished up their One Day Trip with 24(limits) Dorado, 6 Bluefin and 2 Yellowtail for their 12 anglers.
The Aztec returned from their One Day trip with 13 Bluefin, 19 Dorado, 1 Yellowfin and 26 Yellowtail for their 12 anglers.
The Highliner ended their 2 Day with 99 Bluefin Tuna, 3 Yellowtail and 75 Rockfish for their 26 anglers.
The Apollo returned this morning from their 1.5 Day trip with limits of bluefin tuna, 75 rockfish, 3 yellowtail and 1 bonito.
The Tribute 1.5 Day trip finished with limits of bluefin tuna.
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Friday Reports
Friday Updates The Sea Watch Full Day offshore trip has 40 dorado, 15 yellowtail and 3 yellowfin on the boat! The Polaris Supreme reported in from day three of their three day trip with 132 bluefin tuna on the boat. 70 of those fish are in the 60 to 180 pound range. Friday Returning Trips The Apollo returned from their 1.5 Day trip with limit of bluefin tuna, 75 rockfish, 3 yellowtail and 1 bonito. The Tribute 1.5 Day trip finished with limits of bluefin...... Read More
Seaforth Landing Reports
for Thursday, August 17th, 2023: More Limit Style Fishing

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