A few adults around so fantastic start to the season

Russian River - Guerneville, CA

by King's Sport and Tackle
(707) 869-2156

It seems most of the smaller steelhead and coho have moved up out of Guerneville but Richard Lamb managed a nice one today on a Cleo! A few adults around so fantastic start to the season! We can only hope that things get even better.

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Well the adults started showing up today!
Russian River

Well the adults started showing up today! Here is Andrew Ahn of Villa Grande with 8 lb 11 oz chromer!!!...... Read More

Russian River Update
Russian River
Good news is the Russian reopened to fishing yesterday, bad news is the mouth closed off on Sunday. Its filling fast so Sonoma Water Agency will have to dig it open in the next couple of days if it doesn't open on its own. River forecast calls for the river to remain above 300 cfs for the forecast period (next 5 days). Most recent reports are again small steelies, 1-3 lbs and coho 3-8 lbs. Roe, little cleos and flies...... Read More