Crooked River Fish Report for 3-16-2024
The Crooked is in the mid-400 cfs today
Crooked River - Prineville, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place
The Crooked is in the mid-400 cfs today. We are watching it close for a spike with warmth in the Ochocco’s that might create a bit of runoff again. Hard to know.
BWO hatches in March and April are my favorite time to fish the Crooked. The hatch is mid afternoon and is solid #18. Make sure to fish the nymph, emerger, dun and have some cripples. Essentially the cycle minus the spinners. You might see some spinners at dusk.
Scuds, Zebra’s, Winkers, 2 Bit’s, Skinny Nelson and Micro Mayflies are great under the indicator or fished tight with a sighter.
Leeches are solid. We are 2 months away from a massive Mother’s Day Caddis hatch, so the cased caddis nymphs are a good choice now too. Mostly they would be pupating in those cases and not moving much, but they do get washed off the rocks and I think the fish sometimes root for them too. If you’ve ever picked up a rock from the bottom of the Crooked River, the rocks are covered in these cased caddis. Don’t forget our Spring Specials on the Crooked and Fall for a full day guide trip for $395 for up to 3 people.
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