The Twins also fished amazing yesterday!

Twin Lakes (Bridgeport) - Bridgeport, CA (Mono County)

by Kens Sporting Goods Staff

The Twins also fished amazing yesterday! Lots and lots of fish up to 8 pounds were caught up there with most every anglers we talked to reporting having great success, both from the shore and from boats. Bait anglers did great with pinched crawlers, mice tails and night crawlers, lure anglers did great with Thomas Bouyants, G-Ratt Baits, Rapalas, Hook-Up Baits and Kastmasters. The anglers trolling caught lots of fish with Rapalas, Thomas Bouyants, KC Lures, Speedy Shiners and G-Ratt Baits. The conditions on the Twins are perfect for great action right now so it’s a great time to plan a trip!

More Reports

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, April 28th, 2024

East Walker River (CA): The East is running at about 262 cfs right now and yesterday on the California side it fished excellent!
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: The ranch is still fishing very well
Hunewill Pond: Great reports from the pond this week
Bridgeport Reservoir: Well, opening day on Bridgeport was amazing!
Kirman Lake: Hopefully we’ll get some info soon

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Saturday, April 27th, 2024

Bridgeport Reservoir: 6lb and 5lb 2oz BFEF on Bridgeport Reservoir
Bridgeport Reservoir: 5lb 6oz BFEF