Spring Magic

Caples Lake - Kirkwood, CA (Alpine County)

by Caples Lake Resort
(209) 258-8888

It’s a magical time of year as the lake starts to thaw and the snow begins to melt. After taking the opportunity to decompress from our first year owning Caples Lake Resort, we’re back in action getting things ready for summer. 

We don’t measure ice thickness, but we will post updates of the lake as folks prepare for their trip this summer! A reminder that lodging and dining will reopen May 24th. Call today to make your lodging reservations at 209-258-8888.

More Reports

Caples Lake Conditions Update
Caples Lake
Caples Lake Resort provided an update today: as a result of the recent warm weather, the ice on the lake is beginning to melt, leading to some open patches of water. Their restaurant, lounge, and lodging will commence operations for the season on May 24th. To make reservations, you can reach them at 209-258-8888.   ...... Read More