Picking Up

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

  • The New Seaforth wrapped up their AM Half Day just shy of limits with 255 assorted rockfish for their 26 anglers. The bass fishing this afternoon was outstanding with a final count of 140 legal Calico Bass and over 100 released, 4 assorted rockfish, 3 Sheephead and 1 Sculpin for their 31 PM anglers. Saturday morning will be the New Seaforth's last deep water rockfishing trip for the time being and there are only a couple spots left!

  • The San Diego ended their Full Day with 41 Bonito for their 23 anglers. Captain Ryan reported that the Bluefin should be close behind and its set to go any day now!

  • The Tribute returned this morning from their 1.5 Day trip with 30 Bluefin for their 26 anglers.

  • The Polaris Supreme also pulled in this morning after their 2 Day charter with 41 Bluefin for their group of 24 anglers.

More Reports

Thursday Updates
Thursday Returning Trips Update 3:40 PM: Captain Brian from the New Seaforth just called in with 80+ legal Calico Bass, beautiful weather, and they are biting! We still have plenty of openings for tomorrow's PM and Twilight. The Polaris Supreme 2 Day Trip returned with 41 bluefin tuna. The Tribute finished up their 1.5 Day trip with 30 bluefin tuna. The Cortez 2 Day trip put 17 bluefin tuna on the boat. Wednesday Recap The New Seaforth had another good afternoon of Calico Bass fishing although...... Read More

Wednesday Recap
The New Seaforth had another good afternoon of Calico Bass fishing although the weather wasn't as beautiful as yesterday. They ended the PM trip with 45 legal Bass and over 100 released, 3 assorted rockfish and 1 Sheephead for their 32 anglers. This mornings AM Half Day ended with 106 assorted rockfish for their 18 anglers. Saturday's AM Half Day with be the last deep water rockfish trip aboard the New Seaforth for the time being. From here on out...... Read More